If you operate a business, you need to pay special attention to tax planning, and preparing and filing your tax returns. If you have a personal business, or a corporation, or Limited Liability Company (LLC), S-Corp, Partnership, 501(c)(3), Trust, or any other business entity, you must pay close attention to your taxes, and avail yourself of benefits and opportunities provided by the congress in crafting the tax laws.
We prefer to take a proactive vs. reactive approach to tax return preparation services. We take time and listen to each client’s unique situation, which allows us to take advantage of every possible tax saving opportunity. Tax laws are very complicated and confusing, and it’s easy to miss deductions and credits you’re entitled to.

With federal tax reform going in effect, we are able to identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. We provide our business clients with the expertise and knowledge they deserve throughout the year. We don’t just prepare taxes, we want to help you, and will keep in touch to make sure there are no tax return surprises come the following April!
We’re Here to Help
Elite Tax Services — We care, and are BIG enough to meet all your needs, yet small enough to know your name.
Give us a call today at (210) 661-5000
We work for YOU, not the IRS!®
If you need help with your business taxes, call us, or email us with this form: